VCL @ Educause! 2010

Author(s): VCL Team


Alternatives to Traditional Campus Computing Labs

Declining budgets exacerbate IT’s inability to provide effective
services to our students. In this challenging fiscal climate, George
Mason University is managing a declining budget through the innovative
use of virtual technologies. The replacement of select computer labs
with virtual facilities allows Mason to maintain vital services while
reducing costs

Speaker: Sharon P. Pitt
Executive Director, Division of Instructional Technology

There is a Poster Session:

The Sky Is Falling: Time to Build a Cloud
Speaker(s): Chris Olsen, Lee Thompson, Henry E. Schaffer
1:30pm – 2:30pm (Hall A/B, Table 51)
Poster Session – Leadership

During an unprecedented financial crisis, the CSU system seized the
opportunity to leverage the NCSU VCL project to create a cloud
infrastructure, leapfrogging into the future and allowing the CSU to
dramatically increase service to students through a virtual computing
lab while enabling faculty to use the same cyberinfrastructure for


EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.